Wednesday, July 1, 2020
9:13 AM
This one irritates me so much that I have to keep it simple. When politics enters into science and medicine nothing good can come from it. The COVID fiasco is a clear example when the medical “muggles” get involved.
Viruses have been a part of the ecosystem from the beginnings of life on this planet. We have coexisted with these simply because we cannot avoid it. We are surrounded by viruses, bacteria and pathogens every moment of life. We cannot escape this fundamental fact. Viruses can not be eliminated from our lives….ever.
This virus will infect millions of people throughout the world. Just like rhinovirus or adenovirus does. It will cause some to become very ill and die. Facts of life….your welcome. This virus will not go away, just like the others. It will persist and nature will find ways to insert it into our path. We need to coexist with it.
There will not be a vaccine (at least with any significant value). Science has been searching for a cure to the common cold for years without success. We have fought the flu but have only a marginally effective vaccine. Ultimately, the vaccine is best used in health care providers, the elderly and immunocompromised.
Lock downs do not work. Let me be clear. They cannot be effective because humans cannot and will not follow them. We are creatures of connection and contact. We require interaction with other humans. Did you stay in the whole 2 months? Did you go to the grocery? See family? Go to a park? Walk in the neighborhood? What was the effect of the lockdown? At best it enforced a degree of social distancing which can be done without preventing citizens from pursuing their careers. In other words you can social distance while going to a store --- a large box type or a corner shop.
That leads me to the point. Common sense is all we need to coexist with the virus and allow time to dsicover better ways to manage it.
These are:
Wash your hands frequently and after contacting people or surfaces
Isolate >70 year old thru virus acceleration phases - social distance and masks
If you have symptoms - self quarantine, stay home till symptoms gone for 48 hours
Three things that our elite team of health department "all stars" could do that would work versus their attempt to stop the world from turning.